If you're ready to heed the call of your deep inner wisdom and activate the truth of your being in a powerful way, this community is a safe space for you.
If you crave a supportive space where you get to test out the wings of your soaring life purpose and personal transformation in life, we're here for all of it.
This is your invitation to enter and receive the messages, practices and activations your soul desires. Because this life's too short! ;-)
It's time to shift from feeling stagnant, stuck and trapped in your life to bursting with energy, excitement and anticipation about the magical day ahead...
It's time to release and say good-bye to all the old stories, baggage and energies that no longer a fit and serve who you are being in this moment and in the future so that you can finally feel free to love yourself and your transformation
Kim Nishida is the Soul Leader of this community. She’s a bestselling author, foster dog mom, Grand Canyon hiker and introvert who has overcome a lifetime of shame, people pleasing, feeling less than enough, over achieving, and self-sabotaging. She’s passionate about helping you get curious about the stories that no longer serve you so you can peel away the false layers of identity that keep you stuck, trapped, and dissatisfied.